Track Every Click You Receive

Optimize your campaigns through data-driven decision-making.

Tracking Dashboard

Get access to a dashboard with all your URLs and where you can individually track the performance of every URL you create.

Track URL Activity

Track more than just clicks. Measure the success of your campaigns and compare your URLs to improve the overall ROI of your marketing & communication efforts.

20+ Data Points

Find out who your customers are by tracking country, city, browsers, OS, languages, device types and much more through our platform.

Discover the evolution of your campaigns

Date & Time Tracking

Find out which day and times your campaigns work most effectively and optimize your efforts.

Geo & Device Tracking

Where do your visitors come from & which devices do they use? Gain valuable insights.

Track your links across social media

Social Media Performance

Discover which social media platforms your visitors are using on a day to day basis.

Campaign Optimization

Every campaign behaves differently per platform. Optimize your campaigns through social data.

Boost your campaigns with branded links